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Price Lists for AMEs

No set-up fees--no contracts

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"Pay-as-you-grow" pricing

Prices Current as of:

New Price Structure will be announced Feb 28, 2024

Option Cost Server Space Comments      Email Us if you have any questions.
Basic Free for primary office location if AME account in good standing 200 Kb Default Option. No charges if less than 200Kb of data. For AMEs with accounts in good standing. When public FAA batch address/phone update feed is down, please contact us directly if you have moved or have new or additional address information or updated publicly releasable phone number.

Online Scheduling
Pilots' Most Requested Service

30 day Free Trial
Then various plans starting at $15 / month

24/7 convenience for AMEs and pilots. Web-based scheduling module keeps schedule full when you want patients and blacked out when you are unavailable. AME controls all aspects, automated email confirmations and reminders, virtual front office. Integrates well with current paper schedule system. More info.
Customize Your "Details" Link
Most Effective Attention Grabber
Free for AMEs subscribing to any paid service, $2.50 per month otherwise 100 Characters
Grab pilot attention at first click before they select someone else. This is your best chance to stand out from other AMEs in your area. A practice-specific bullet statement will appear next to your name while pilots are still scanning the list of Local AMEs More info.
Virtual Domain
Best Starting Point
$8 / Month Hosting + Domain Cost
( $16 / yr)
5 MB For those with their own domain or who are planning to register one, includes 5 alias email accounts, and free link from our search results. More Info
Best for AMEs with Established Sites
$3.50 / Month or $36 / Year (unless we host--then linking is free) Variable Increase your site's page rank in search engines. Drive traffic to your existing site hosted elsewhere--the most cost-effective way to tap into FlightPhysical.com's tremendous Internet popularity! More Info
Additional Listings
Fee for 2nd listing Waived for Online Schedulers
$4.50 / Month for 2nd listing, $1 /month per listing for each additional after that 200 Kb Additional searchable directory listing(s) for those with multiple practice locations, or near borders. List on adjacent ZIP or Area Codes, search results will point to your primary location. More Info
Sub-Domain $6 / Month Hosting
1 MB Server space, 2 alias email accounts. For those who need greater flexibility and want to host their own "static" HTML web pages. More Info
Dependent Domain
$14 / Month Hosting + Domain Cost
( $16 / yr)
20 MB Everything in Virtual Domain Package and also includes direct FTP access and links from our search results. More Info
Independent Hosted Domain $22 / Month Hosting + Domain Cost
(Approx. $16 / yr)
40 MB Everything in Dependent Domain Package and 20 POP email accounts. For Large Sites or Multiple Domains Resolving to Single Destination More Info
Full Service Variable: $25-$400 / Month As Required We register, host, design and maintain your site. This is the minimum subscription level for a unique IP address. More Info
Add'l Sub-Domains $5 / Month Hosting (Independent Static)
$3 / Month Hosting (Mirrored to First)
200 KB ea, 1 POP email acct ea. Cost for 2nd or greater domain resolving to same a FlightPhysical.com domain, ex Jones.net and Jones.org resolving to Jones.com More Info
Photo Optimization $15 One time Fee As Required We adjust image size, resolution, compression for optimal web viewing and rapid download. More Info

Professional Addresses



Free Email for for general use Depends on your POP server Permanent. Use on letterhead, business cards, etc More Info.
$4 / Month for Email link from web page Depends on your POP server Spam Resistant--Direct Email Link from your Web Page through client's email application More Info.
$15 / Month for State of the Art Perl CGI Script to handle mail Depends on your POP server Spam Proof--Collect Messages thru browser and processed server side for maximum security (actual email destination never visible to sender or web bots) More Info.
*All options fully guaranteed and include unlimited bandwidth, free email aliases, daily data backups, multiple T-3 connections. "Details" option and complete Ad removal included with any paid subscription.    Testimonials and Endorsements
Email Us if you have any questions.

Improved use of the Internet and paperless solutions is essential, but most AMEs underestimate the time and complexity involved with setting up and promoting a web site. FlightPhysical.com encourages AMEs to Grow at your own pace. Our Internet Professionals are also pilots and AMEs. We speak your language, and we're here to guide you through each upgrade...on your schedule. This Table presents the different levels of web sites you can maintain. All Designated AMEs have a "Basic" package by default. Compared to a yellow pages ad, the Web is a great value! Depending on your interest and the regional demand for Internet technology in your locale, you will probably want to start by customizing your free site then decide when its right for you to upgrade in the future. AMEs are a diverse group of physicians in multiple practice types. We are here to help you decide which web options are best as your practice joins the modern trend of increasing Internet Presence.

Option #1: Basic Web Site. Everyone has this for free by default unless they have outstanding, unpaid charges. This is your basic web listing that flightphysical.com will maintain and host for you. Click here for an explanation of domain hosting. Even if you do nothing, this has already been constructed for you in a conservative but informative format. We echo public data in a easy to locate format that is well-publicized in pilot Internet circles.If you have not yet seen your personal web site click here. The default web site is initially limited to the data from the public AME directory. Click here to customize your site. You also might want to see what other AMEs have done.See example site.

Beyond this default site, most AMEs provide us with additional specific input for their sites (directions, office policies and hours, maps, pictures, etc). Whether or not you include your exam prices is up to you. But don't include general policies (like Part 67 information) because that is the same for all of us and will be accessible from the a link at the bottom of your page. Keep your site specific to you practice. Here is a sample site.

You can change you site as often as you like, but in the beginning, you may wish to direct pilots to call or email your office for pricing and scheduling information. As a service to them, they will be able to email you directly from your web site, but because of the risk of spam generation, we will conceal your actual email address and use one of our "alias" addresses to help combat the spam problem. No email links will be posted unless you specifically request them. We augment your default web site with any practice-specific information you provide us and nothing else.

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Link to Pre-Existing Site: Linking to your external Web Site from flightphysical.com.   $3.50 monthly. You will increase your site's page rank in search engines when you have popular sites maintain inbound links to your web address. Many AMEs already have remote web sites and hundreds already own their own domains. If you fall in this category, you can immediately benefit from our pilot promotional services. Give us the word, and we will add a link from your FlightPhysical.com page to your private web site. When pilots see your profile page, they will be provided with a direct connection to your existing remote site. External AME sites vary widely in sophistication but all share a common promotional requirement. The bottom line is that independent sites are difficult to find and not meaningfully targeted to a pilot audience. It is almost impossible that a new pilot will stumble on any particular site belonging to a single AME. FlightPhysical.com solves this problem. See How.

Prospective examinees will locate you through our highly publicized umbrella site. A single AME has minimal leverage to promote his/her practice; for example, large airline web sites will not link to an individual AME site, but they do link to us because we represent all AMEs. Our site promotes 4500 flight doctors, and we have a full staff working on publicity. Our site targets one audience -- pilots needing physicals, and we funnel a huge volume of pilots through FlightPhysical.com to AMEs every day. If you already have a functional external web site, or even a single external web page, place a link from FlightPhysical.com to your site. We charge a nominal $3.50 a month for outbound links unless we host your other site. If you want to switch hosting services, you can have your site hosted here at extremely competitive rates. We host for $6-400 a month depending on the package you select (unlimited bandwidth, no transfer fees). For those who are simply interested in linking ($3.50 per month) or to discuss hosting options, Email inquiries to flightphysical.com Please remember to include your URL if you desire a link from us.
Check out the FAQ page for more info on outbound links.

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Publishing Additional Directory Listing(s). Many AMEs realize that purchasing additional listings from FlightPhysical.com makes excellent business sense. If you are an AME operating from 2 locations, or if you expect to attract pilots from adjacent ZIP codes or Area Codes, then it is important to arrange multiple directory listings. AMEs can add "independently searchable" database entries ("records") for additional practice locations. This is analogous to arranging for a listing in the next town's yellow pages directory. Your additional sites will cross reference (link to) your primary site and each is independently returned from appropriate pilot queries to our complete database.

AMEs desiring to be listed in more than one location can purchase additional directory listings. This costs $4.50 per month for the first additional listing (2nd location) unless you also subscribe to Online Scheduling. If you use our web scheduling service, the fee for the first additional listing is waived (online schedulers get a 2nd listing for free). After that, your 3rd and subsequent listings cost $1 per listing per month. Your default listing is always free and based on your primary "official" FAA location. If you have 2 official FAA locations, let us know which you want to be your FlightPhysical.com free listing.

AMEs subscribing to additional listings are "paying customers." As a paying AME customer, your site will be ranked and viewed ahead of the non-paying AME sites when a search list is generated. Each site is independently modifiable (hours, directions, maps, etc) from the AME site Modification form. For those interested in this option, Email inquiries to flightphysical.com. Please include details (at least address and phone) if you desire to publish a second location with us. If you want additional ZIP code listings, choose those most likely to bring in appropriate pilots and send us as many as you like. To summarize: your basic listing is free. The first additional listing costs $4.50 per month, and each additional listing after that costs $1 per month. Our services are fully guaranteed, but these fees are so small we collect on a 12 month billing cycle (in advance). If you desire to cancel any or all of our service, we will issue a prorated refund at any point. For specific questions, Mail inquiries to flightphysical.com

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Sub-Domain: I want FlightPhysical.com to host my own Sub-Domain Web Site. Price $6 per month. 1MB of server space, unlimited bandwidth, 2 email accounts. This level of service enables you to have complete control over the appearance and layout of your web pages. There is no need to register, own or pay for your own domain because you will use a portion of one of the flightphysical.com domains (ie. http://flightphysical.com/your practice). Many find that it is a good way to start out experimenting with web site design (HTML) until they are ready to transition further toward becoming a full "e-practice." We provide server space but no construction or maintenance services. This cost $6 a month...and compares favorably to other forms of advertising. With this strategy the AME or the AME's web designer builds and tests the files locally then emails them to us for posting. You can change you site weekly, but more frequent updates would require an upgrade to a higher level of service. If you want to own your own domain, this can be a good way to bridge your practice's evolving "web presence" until you arrange formal hosting of your own domain. For specific questions, Mail inquiries to flightphysical.com

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Virtual Domain Hosting (Most Popular Starter Option): For AMEs that want FlightPhysical.com to host their own Virtual Domain Web Site. Price $8 per month. This includes sub-domain static pages (as above), but appears as your own domain. You also get 5 MB of server space, unlimited bandwidth, 5 email accounts. This level of service enables AMEs to have greater control over the appearance and layout of their web pages. This option is ideal for those who want an available domain name or own their own domains (ie: www.YourPractice.com).

To be eligible for this option, the domain must be unclaimed and you must allow FlightPhysical.com to register it on your behalf or if you own it, you would allow us to transfer it from your existing registrar (eg, Verisign, Register.com, etc) to our registrar. You will retain all rights to your domain name, and any pre-paid time will transfer. You don't loose any of the time you've already purchased. As with all FlightPhysical.com services, everything is 100% satisfaction guaranteed. You can transfer back to any other registrar or hosting company if dissatisfied (this has never happened since our company launched in 1999!) The inbound transfer costs $16, and this also gives you an additional year of registration beyond your current domain expiration date. If you haven't previously registered, the process is even easier if you let FlightPhysical.com register for you.

Many AMEs find Virtual Hosting is a good way to start out experimenting with web site design (HTML) until they are ready to transition further toward becoming a full "e-practice." We provide server space, Internet level referral from your actual domain name, and basic construction and maintenance advice, but you are responsible for building your HTML pages or hiring a professional web site designer to do so. As a temporary option, we can refer traffic from your domain name to your templated (default) AME web page which has already been designed by FlightPhysical.com. This cost is $16 per year for registration of the domain name and $8 a month for hosting. The publicity gained from the FlightPhysical.com popularity is the most valuable part and it is free because you are an AME. This option is the most popular starting point and is superior in price and effectiveness to all other forms of advertising. As more AMEs use FlightPhysical.com services, we continue to stratify additional services levels to better accommodate your unique Internet needs. Our goal is to provide only the actual services you are using--no more--no less. With our services, you are free to upgrade or cancel anytime as your practice evolves. If you want to own your own domain, virtual hosting can be a good way to bridge your practice's evolving "web presence" until you arrange formal hosting of your own domain. For specific questions, Mail inquiries to flightphysical.com

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Hosting your own Domain as an Dependent Web Site. Everything in a Virtual Domain plus your own FTP access. Price $14 per month. This is an excellent option for AMEs with relatively uncomplicated sites who still want the added flexibility FTP access to their own pages. This would be a required minimum for those making frequent (more than monthly) updates to their web site. These are still relatively uncomplicated sites and there is a limit of 20 MB and 100 separate files for this option. Sites above this space requirement, or complex sites (animated or interactive), or sites with multiple domains resolving to a single IP address put a significant load on our servers and must be upgraded to the Independent level of service or higher.
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Hosting your own Domain as an Independent Web Site. Everything in an Dependent Web Site plus up to 40 MB of space. Price $22 per month. This level is the minimum required subscription option for AMEs with complex sites defined as: more than 100 files, over 20 MB of space, daily updates, animated or highly interactive content (ie. Flash, WMV, SWF files, etc), or with multiple domains resolving to a single IP address. This is an excellent option for AMEs (or their web designers) who want the added flexibility of controlling their own domain, or people who already own their own domains or have web sites elsewhere and prefer to have FlightPhysical.com take care of the hosting. This includes 20 POP email accounts for your practice. For example, you can set up your staff email to be:

Jim@yourpractice.com etc
up to 20 unique accounts

You will have maximum flexibility with your web presence and you get practically unlimited bandwidth, 20 email POP accounts, up to 4000 files and 40 MB of server space per IP address for $22 a month. Since you are a registered AME, the set-up fee and minimum contracts are waived. Just pay month to month, and you are free to change hosting services whenever you like. We evaluated over 100 hosting services before choosing this one, and ours is an excellent service at an unbeatable price. Bargain basement hosting services are unreliable and too slow for professional medical practices. This is the minimum level of service for those AMEs anticipating frequent 2-way interaction with pilots and patients over their web site. For those interested in this option, Mail inquiries to flightphysical.com

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Additional Domains: I want FlightPhysical.com to host and register Additional Domains as Virtual Domains after I already have a primary domain with FlightPhysical.com. After the first domain, some AMEs chose to add 2nd or additional domains that have independent content or "mirror" to the original domain. Price $5 per month per independent domain (separate static HTML pages), or $3 per month when this domain resolves directly to primary domain (mirrored domain). This is a very economical level of service for those who own or wish to own more than one domains (ie www.yourpractice.com and www.yourpractice.net). We will register your domain with the InterNIC and host it as a parallel virtual subdomain. If you register your own domain, we may be able to offer this service depending on the registrar's policies. It is better if you allow us to register it on your behalf (no extra mark-up charge). Registration costs an additional $16 per year. The only time-critical item is registration of your own domain before it gets claimed by someone else (they are being registered at 30,000 per day as of Jan 2008). For specific questions, Mail inquiries to flightphysical.com

Professional Image Optimization $15 one time fee up to three images. The biggest mistake novice web designers make is to take an image straight from a digital camera or scanned image and try to place it on a web page. First of all, a single picture will probably exceed your total 200K space allotment, but more importantly, these graphics must be optimized for the web. We can usually manipulate and optimize full size images (as big as 4 MB) down to approximately 60k which translates to a much better user experience, and saves you the cost of subscribing to additional server space. Graphics on the web are always a tradeoff between file size (small is better = faster downloads!) versus image quality (no pixelation, minimal stranding, good color balance). The resolution of the monitor for most viewers is 72-96 dots per inch (DPI), so it is pointless to try to post a high resolution image on a web page. It will either display too big and distort the page, or download very slowly without any discernable increase in image quality. Some web designers try to force the client (viewer's) browser to squeeze the image into a given pixel dimension for proper layout, but this is poor technique because the client has to download the complete image and this is wasted bandwidth (download time). In plain English, pilot's have to wait for a slow page load, and don't get any improved image quality. Let us examine or manipulate your photos, or use Photoshop yourself and adjust size, resolution, compression and color palette settings for optimal web appearance balanced against quick download speed. For do-it-yourselfers, set color depth 24 or less, set dimensions to maximum pixel width of 500 (150 for upper right graphics), resolution must be 72 DPI, and max file size should me below 100K. For specific questions, Mail inquiries to the graphics department at flightphysical.com

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Full Service: I want FlightPhysical.com to register, host and build my own Domain as a Web Site. This is the highest level of service currently offered, and details are negotiated on an AME by AME case basis. This is the minimum level of service to be eligible for a unique IP address and your own HTML domain control panel. We will register your domain with the InterNIC, host it, and provide various construction and maintenance services. Prices range from $25 -$400 a month...this compares favorably to other forms of advertising (soon the Yellow Pages ad and direct mailings will be obsolete!) The only time-critical item is registration of your own domain before it gets claimed by someone else (they are being registered at 30,000 per day in Feb 2008). For specific questions, Mail inquiries to flightphysical.com

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